Thursday, June 26, 2014

When the World Cup is over, take some time to relax and read a good book, or 3.  May I suggest the "Gifted" Trilogy.

"Gifted" Trilogy @ amazon

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Just an Update

So, I will admit that I took the last two weeks and didn't exactly work on my new book. I caught up on some reading that I wanted to do and frankly, I've just been tired. I did work on getting the trilogy into paperback so that should count for something.
Then it dawned on me that I promised a new book by August. You might ask why I would do that to myself and I'll tell you. It motivates me. My OCD personality needs it and those of you that know me personally know I thrive under pressure.. With that being said, I've had my two kickass friends go over the 12 chapters I have so far, again, to make sure that it was still on point and to make sure I can get right back into the swing of things.
So, pressure on people..."Dreamless" will rock your world NLT August.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Paperback NOW available

For all of you that were asking me about my books being available in paperback I would like to give you the good news...they are.
Currently you can find them at and the links are below. In 3-5 days they will be available for purchase through Amazon at the same price. I will put the link up when they are ready. I have the proofs in my hand, so I have to say...I'm pretty happy.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

I  write because I really do enjoy it, but nothing is more satisfying than when my mother tells me how much she loves what I've done and gets off the phone with me because I'm interrupting her and she wants to keep reading. I gave her the 3rd book on Wednesday. I can officially smile.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Working hard on my next book. It's a paranormal suspense that will keep you guessing. I'm hoping to have it done by August, but we will see. I'll keep you all posted

Monday, June 2, 2014

Gift of Prophecy Now Available

You can find the final book in the "Gifted" Trilogy at the following sites:
 Gift of Prophecy:
B & N